Mullingar Recycling Resource Centre Ltd. trading as Action Recycling has been operating in Mullingar since the 1980's collecting and recycling Glass, Paper and Cardboard. The centre operates under Waste Collection Permit # NWCPO-09-10624-04.
It is the stated mission of Mullingar Recycling Resource Centre to protect the environment and preserve resources by empowering the local community to Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. In doing so we will create employment opportunities for the local population.
Our Core Values:
At ACTION RECYCLING, we are keen to work with all local businesses to help reduce their environmental impact, and their waste management costs.
We provide an affordable option to have your recyclables collected. All materials we collect are sorted and processed for recycle.
Materials handled include the following:
Call us for details on 044-934 3444
Action Recycling now offer a comprehensive confidential shredding service.
This service can be tailored to your specific requirements and we won't be beaten on price.
Services include:
Certificate of destruction is provided.
CALL US NOW ON 044-934 3444
Action Recycling are proud to operate the glass bottle Bring Banks in Mullingar in partnership with Westmeath County Council.
Currently we have 7 Bring Bank locations in the town as follows;
Glass is 100% recyclable and can be recycled again and again with no loss in quality. As glass is one of the heaviest materials in your bin, you can save money by taking your glass bottles and jars to our Bring Banks. By recycling you are also helping the environment. One recycled bottle can save enough energy to power a 60 watt light bulb for 4 hours.
Each year 100,000 tonnes of contaminated recyclable material is sent to landfill causing considerable damage to the environment.
In 2015, approximately 28,000 tonnes of paper and cardboard packaging, 13,000 tonnes of plastic and 29,000 tonnes of glass was sent to landfill because of contamination.
Approximately 9,000 tonnes of all metallic packaging was sent to landfill in 2015 because of contamination.
The number of plastic bottles put into landfill every year would stretch around Ireland 2,000 times.
Repak Contamination Research Reveals:
· 47% of people admit to deliberately placing contaminated waste in their recycling bin
· 65% of people don’t know that just one piece of contaminated packaging can ruin an entire recycling bin
· 30% of people are not aware of the issue of contamination in recycling
· 87% of people willing to boycott brands deemed to be environmentally irresponsible.
Most common contamination mistakes
• Over 32% recycle used cling film, cans and bottles with liquid residue inside them, and used batteries in the recycling bin accidentally or on purpose.
• 25% never rinse or clean out liquid residues from containers, so even if they place them in the right bin, they are still contaminated and can leak onto other dry recyclables eliminating
their quality and value.
• Over 50% say they had never taken the time to learn about recycling procedures and learned to recycle from friends and family or just made it up as they went along.
ACTION RECYCLING and REPAK want to encourage people to “recycle better” by promoting good recycling behavior such as;
1. Ensuring you rinse any food or liquid residues from containers.
2. Ensure you’re fully aware of what can go in your recycle bin and do not place incorrect materials in the recycle bin.
3. Ensure you know the correct collection day for their area so recyclables do not build up and get put in other bins.
4. Do not put mixed recyclables compacted into a box or bag and then into your recycle bin as these need to be pulled out for mechanical separation.
5. Not to put food waste or other compostable materials such as garden waste in your recycle bin.
6. Do not put electrical items in your recycle bin.
7. Do not put clothes in your recycle bin.
8. Do not put old shoes in your recycle bin.
9. Do not put used batteries in your recycle bin.
10. Recycle more items from the bathroom or others areas of house.
“This project is supported by the Department of Rural and Community Development and Pobal through the Community Services Programme”
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